
DVIA is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between visualization applications published on the Web.

Status of the document

Work in progress.


DVIA is a small vocabulary aims at describing any applications developed to consume datasets in 4-5 stars, using visual tools to showcase the benefits of Linked Data.

It reuses some existing vocabularies such as Dublin Core terms, dataset catalogue (DCAT), Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and the Organization ontology.


The URI for this vocabulary is


When abbreviating terms the suggested prefix is dvia

Each class or property in the vocabulary has a URI constructed by appending a term name to the vocabulary URI. For example: http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#Application


This example shows the use of DVIA for the description of the application which won the Semantic Web Challenge at ISWC 2012, the EventMedia Live application.

[ ]    a dvia:Application ; #Class of the apps, subClassOf dctype:Software
       dct:title "EventMedia Live"@en;   #title of the apps
       dvia:description "An application for reconciling Live events with media" ; #Small description of the apps
	   dvia:url  ; #Direct access to the application
	   dct:issued "2012-11-10"^^xsd:date ; #when the app was built
	   dvia:businessValue "not commercial" ;   #Only two values here: commercial or not-commercial"
	   dvia:keyword "events, media"^^xsd:string ; #the keywords of the application
	   dct:license  ; #The file to the license
	   dvia:platform [ a dvia:Platform ; 
						dct:title: "Desktop" ; #desktop or mobile allowed
						dvia:preferredNavigator "Google Chrome" ; 
						dvia:alternativeNavigator "FireFox" ;
						dvia:system "Mac OS, Windows, Linux"^^string ] ; #Where the apps is deployed
		#types of views such as Pie chart, tabular views, etc..	   
	   dvia:usesTool [ a dvia:visualTool; dct:title "Google visualization Tool" ; dct:description "Google visualization API" ; dvia:accessUrl  ; 
						dvia:downloadUrl  ] ;
	   dvia:usesTool ex:visualTool02 ;
	   dvia:usesTool ex:visualTool03 ;
	   dvia:usesTool ex:visualTool04 ;
	   dvia:usesTool ex:visualTool05 ;
	   dvia:usesTool ex:visualTool06 ;
	   dvia:consumes [ a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "BBC dump"] ;  #original datasets and formats used to build the mashup 
	   dvia:consumes [ a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "last.fm scrapped dataset"] ;
	   dvia:consumes [ a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "upcoming scrapped dataset"] ;
	   dvia:consumes [ a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "eventful scrapped dataset"] ;
	   dvia:consumes [ a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "Flickr scrapped dataset"] ;
	   dvia:consumes [ a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "Music Brainz "] ;
	   dvia:consumes [ a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "Foursquare Json file"] ;
	   dvia:consumes [ a dcat:Dataset; dct:title "DBpedia"] ;
	   dvia:designBy ex:org01 ;
	   dct:creator [foaf:mbox "khrouf@eurecom.fr"; foaf:name "Houda Khrouf"];
	   dct:creator [foaf:mbox "vuk@eurecom.fr"; foaf:name "Vuk Milicik"];
	   dct:creator [foaf:mbox "raphael.troncy@eurecom.fr"; foaf:name "Raphaël Troncy"];
	   dvia:view "map, chart, graph, force-directed layout" ; 

ex:visualTool02 a dvia:visualTool ;
		dct:title "JQuery-UI.js" ;
		dct:description "jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes " ;
		dvia:accessUrl  ;
		dvia:downloadUrl  ;

ex:visualTool03 a dvia:visualTool ;
		dct:title "JQuery.js" ;
		dct:description "jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library for rapid web development." ;
		dvia:accessUrl  ;
		dvia:downloadUrl  ;
ex:visualTool04 a dvia:visualTool ;
		dct:title "Google dviaalization Tool" ;
		dct:description "Google dviaalization API" ;
		dvia:accessUrl  ;
ex:visualTool05 a dvia:visualTool ;
		dct:title "JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit " ;
		dct:description "InfoVis create Interactive Data dviaalizations for the Web" ;
		dvia:accessUrl  ;
		dvia:downlaodUrl  ;
ex:visualTool06 a dvia:visualTool ;
		dct:title "Backbone.js " ;
		dct:description "Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models, views and event handling." ;
		dvia:accessUrl  ;
		dvia:downlaodUrl  ;
ex:org01 a org:Organization ;
		org:hasSite ex:site01 ;
		rdfs:label "Eurecom" ;
ex:site01 a org:Site ;
	org:siteAddress [ a v:VCard ; 
		[ a v:Work ;
		    v:locality "BIOT" ; 
			v:street-address "450 route des Chappes"] ;
		[ a v:Work, v:voice ; 
			rdf:value "            +33493008100      "] ;
		[ v:latitude "43.614376" ; 
			v:longitude "7.070450"] ;
					] .

Vocabulary Terms at a Glance

DVIA UML Class Diagram
Conceptual Model of the DVIA vocabulary


This section provides the formal definition of each class in the vocabulary.


Type of Term Class
QName dvia:Application
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#Application
Definition The aplication or the mashup developed for demo-ing or consuming data in LD fashion


Type of Term Class
QName dvia:Platform
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#Platform

The platform where to host or use the application, could be on the web (firefox, chrome, IE, etc..) or mobile (android, etc..) or event desktop

Visual Tool

Type of Term Class
QName dvia:VisualTool
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#VisualTool
Definition The tool or library used to build the application



Type of Term Property
QName dvia:author
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#author
Definition Links to the authors of the application or the tools, libraries. The range of dvia:author is foaf:Person


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:consumes
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#consumes
Definition Links to the dataset used to make the application, and could be of different types or formats. The range of dvia:consumes is dcat:Dataset.


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:designBy
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#designBy
Definition Links to the organization which builds the application. The range is org:Organization


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:hasLicense
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#hasLicense
Definition This property links to the license of the application. It has range dct:terms .


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:platform
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#platform
Definition This property links the application to a platform to actually use the application. The range is Platform


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:scope
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#scope
Definition The scope or domain of the application. The range is skos:Concept

uses tool

Type of Term Property
QName dvia:usesTool
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#usesTool
Definition This property links to the tools or libraries used for the application. The range is Visual tool

alternative navigator

Type of Term Property
QName dvia:alternativeNavigator
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#alternativeNavigator
Definition The name of the alternate navigator if applicable. The range is xsd:string

business value

Type of Term Property
QName dvia:businessValue
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#businessValue
Definition The business value of the application; generally could be commercial of free. Also depending on the license. The range is xsd:string

dataset description

Type of Term Property
QName dvia:datasetDescription
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#datasetDescription
Definition Property for a given descriptive informations of the datasets used for making the application. It could be used when no more details are given on the datasets like URL, formats, etc.

download url

Type of Term Property
QName dvia:downloadUrl
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#downloadUrl
Definition The download url of the tool for visualization. The domain is visual tool and the range is xsd:anyURI


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:keyword
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#keyword
Definition Keywords used for the application. The domain is Application and the range is xsd:string

lib Url

Type of Term Property
QName dvia:libUrl
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#libUrl
Definition The url to the page describing the library or the tool for visualization. The domain is Visual Tool and the range is xsd:anyURI


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:preferredNavigator
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#preferredNavigator

The name of the preferred navigator to be usd by the application. The range is xsd:string


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:scope
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#scope
Definition The scope or domain of the application. The domain is Application and the range is skos:Concept


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:system
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#system
Definition The operating system where the application runs. The domain is Platform and the range is xsd:string


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:url
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#url
Definition The url of the application. The domain is Application and the range is xsd:anyURI


Type of Term Property
QName dvia:view
URI http://data.eurecom.fr/ontology/dvia#view
Definition The types of view available in the application, such as maps, charts, graphs, etc. The domain is Application and the range is xsd:string

Change this range to use chart vocabulary?

Conformance Statement

A conformant implementation of this vocabulary MUST understand all vocabulary terms defined in this document. See the Conformance statement in Best practice document of the W3C GLD WG


This work has been partially supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR) within the Datalift Project, under grant number ANR-10-CORD-009.

Change Log: Changes since this namespace document was first installed on are recorded here.